Explorer Talks and Climate Change Workshops!

Exciting weeks of explorer talks and climate change workshops at WWW HQ

In the past few weeks we have had the opportunity to provide both in-person and virtual sessions to schools near and far!

Queen’s College Preparatory School received a session from polar explorer and WWW trustee, Justin Johannesson. The children had a fantastic time and got to ask Justin lots of questions about his expedition and even got a good whiff of the dehydrated food pack… an unanimous response of “ew!” ensued. 

Justin also provided a virtual session to Mengham Junior School where he was asked a multitude of questions including:

“Have you ever lost your way during expedition?”

“Were you lonely on your solo expedition?”

“What was the most dangerous thing to happen to you while in the Arctic?”

WWW Project Manager and education lead Rhianna Davies-Smith had two virtual sessions this week with Mengham Junior School and Meoncross Primary School. They discussed the importance of the Arctic, climate change, and how we can all be more sustainable for the planet. 

Rhianna received thought-provoking questions including:

“What animals would be impacted by freshwater glacier run-off if the glaciers melt?”

“Is it bad for the environment to buy supermarket own brands of foods?” 

“Do we have to reserve electricity even if it is renewable?”

“Do explorers or Arctic scientists do anything to stop polar bears from starving?”

We concluded the session with a positive and upbeat discussion of what we can all do to play our part in combating climate change, like bees in a hive! Each pupil was asked to pledge to do some activities to reduce their own carbon footprint, check out their pledges below! 

We had a fabulous time educating many bright primary pupils over the last couple of weeks. Thank you to all of the schools involved.