About Wicked Weather Watch

Wicked Weather Watch is a UK registered charity that aims to provide clarity for children and young people about climate change and global warming.
WWW is passionate about helping young people to understand about climate change. We support teachers with all the resources they need to make climate change and it’s related topics as fun and engaging as possible in the classroom and beyond.
We link directly with explorers and scientists who have first-hand experience of the Arctic and other places experiencing climate change. Most of our teaching resources use information and data from these experts, enabling us to produce truly unique and inspiring materials for use in schools.
WWW provides teachers with innovative materials that meet the KS1 and KS2 curriculum, alongside training on how to integrate climate change into everyday teaching in the classroom. Our mission is to provide climate change education to children and teachers to inspire young people to become passionate about learning about our global environment and how we can all come together to help protect it.
We inspire through school visits, we engage through our whole-day events, we support learning through assemblies and providing teaching resources and we connect by creating global links.
Our aim is for children and young people to feel fully informed about climate change through their schools, helping them to answer questions such as:
- What is the difference between climate change and global warming?
- What is the impact of climate change in the Arctic and elsewhere?
- What can I do to protect our planet and fight climate change?